A to Z 2013

As most of you know, I don't need an excuse to procrastinate.  So when I found out about the A to Z challenge, I just had to sign up to it!

Basically, for the month of April (except Sundays) you publish a daily blog post, but each post has to be about something starting with a different letter of the alphabet.

I've already got my theme in mind, and I'm putting together my A to Z list so that I'll be prepared for April.  I'm not going to tell you what it is.  You'll just have to wait until 1st April to find out!

All I will say is that these blog posts will be about writing, and all examples will be © me, so don't you dare think about stealing them!

EDIT: I've now decided to tell you all what my theme is, and it is *duh duh duh* Oulipian Writing Constraints.  If you're a creative writer who likes to experiment with language, this theme is for you!

April A - Z Blogging Challenge
My theme for the A-Z Blogging Challenge is ...

A is for ... Acronymic Poetry
B is for ... Beautiful Outlaw
C is for ... Constrainte du Prisonnier
D is for ... Definitional Literature
E is for ... Elementry Morality
F is for ... Fromage ou Dessert?
G is for ... Grammatical Translation
H is for ... Homoconsonantism
I is for ... I Remember
J is for ... J'ai oublié
K is for ... Kan't Find A Konstraint Beginning With K
L is for ... Lipogram
M is for ... Multiple-Choice Narrative
N is for ... N+7
O is for ... Oscillatory Poetry
P is for ... Pangram
Q is for ... QQSD
R is for ... Rime pour l'oeil
S is for ... Snowball
T is for ... Tautogram
U is for ... Univocalism
V is for ... Veuillez trouver ci-inclus
W is for ... Word Ladder
X is for ... X mistakes Y for Z
Y is for ... You Can Do It
Z is for ... Zut Alors!

A-Z Reflections


  1. Oh, the anticipation! Can't wait :-)

    1. Rebecca,

      Thanks for the comment on my blog. I have six letters completed. This is not going to be easy, but I have stirred up some wonderful memories. I do have an 'x', but it is for a planned trip that I had to cancel due to an accident. I also have another idea for 'x', but it will be awhile before I get that far. Hopefully, I will write up 'G' this afternoon. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Hi Rebeccah!
    Thanks for popping in at my place. Nice to meet you.
    Sounds like you're all fired up and ready for the challenge!
    See you on April 01st!

    1. I am ready! I'm a bit impatient though. I don't really like waiting for things!!

  3. Hi Rebeccah, thanks for commenting on my blog, I'm just returning the favour. Like you I'm eager to get started - only two weeks to go!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I'm getting impatient now. I just want to get the whole thing underway!

  4. A theme, a theme, I wish I had a theme. :) Well, that's okay ... while I don't have one, the posts are somewhat related. And just finished writing the Z -- although they're all in draft format. Nice to meet another first-time participant. Will be returning to comment. :)
    Silvia @ Silvia Writes

    1. I'm not sure I could have done this without a theme. And knowing me, I'd start off being random and then end up theme-ing everything. Yay that you've got your Z sorted. I still need to think of mine :/

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog. I am very much a procrastinator also, so good luck to both of us getting an early start. Cheers!

    Z = zigzag, zebra, zipper, zealous...

    1. Thanks! I've been sitting with a dictionary, writing down a bunch of Z words, but nothing has jumped out at me yet, or inspired me. I might just make up a word for that one!!

  6. Hey there! I thought I'd just drop by and wish you luck as well!

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog and offering words of encouragement.

    1. No problem. I think everyone (including me) could do with a bit of encouragement with this challenge!

  8. Hey, just returning the visit. Are you prepared for the challenge? It sounds like a lot of fun! I can't wait. :)

    1. Hey, yeah I am prepared. I've planned most of my posts, so I'm just getting impatient for it to start!

  9. Hi Rebeccah I too am doing the challenge. As a new blogger I am trying to find my way. Its fun and also a challenge. Looking forward to reading you blog.

    Come visit me at http://talesofthereborncrafter.blogspot.com/

    Good luck just joined you site so I can come back.

    1. Thank you :) I like a bit of a challenge; it always keeps me on my toes. Only a few days to go before we start!

  10. Seems I am following you around cyberspace saying hello to everyone so I though I would call in... Look forward to hooking up with you on route...x

    1. Uh-oh, stalker alert! Ha! Good luck with the challenge :)

  11. The theme was so obvious in my case. I had just inherited a family archive and it was a chance to write about history and culture. Writing topics can be good (if not too long), so I'll stop back (and have signed up to follow :). Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Ooh that sounds interesting. Good luck with it all :)

  12. Hey Rebeccah. Thanks for stopping by my blog, much appreciated! I'll make a point of checking your stuff out in April.

    Rock on,


  13. I'm the same way about using A to Z as a method of "productive" procrastination, but then I start procrastinating my alphabet posts and the circle of insanity gets even bigger. :-)

    1. Hahahaha, yep, I know exactly what that's like. That's why I've planned my posts so that I don't end up going off on a tangent :)

  14. Hmm. i posted here earlier using Blogger on my mobile device and it didn't show up. Most passing strange. Anyway, thanks for popping by my site and I'll return the favour by following you too. All the very best, and look forward to reading your stuff in April.

    Rock on,


    1. Hey, sorry, I've got my comments thing set so that I approve each comment before it's posted, because I get do much spam :/

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Can't wait to see what your posts are. (signed up via email so I'll be able to see them easier!)

    Good luck with the challenge!

    1. Thank you, I can't wait to get started! Only a few more days to go :D

  16. Hi Rebecca and thanks for visiting me. Looking forward to see what you'll be writing about too!!

  17. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Good luck with the challenge as well :)

    1. Thank you. It's just around the corner; I can't wait to get started!

  18. thanks for dropping by my blog! good luck to both of us! n____n

    1. Thank you. I just want to get on with now! I'm so impatient :D

  19. Looking forward to reading your posts! Thanks again for popping onto my blog. Yikes, best get my thinking cap on, April will be here before we know it!

    1. I know, it's just over a week away. Get that brain box into action!!

  20. Hi Rebeccah!

    It's my first year, too. I love that so many bloggers are excited and impatient for the games to begin!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and saying hi. :)


    1. Hey, we've only got to wait a week and then we can count down the minutes to the starting line!

  21. Hi Rebecca, thank you for visiting and encouraging me further ... typing and thinking like crazy for my initial posts! hoping as well, to finish well with you :)
    --- April

    1. Don't panic, you've still got a week to go. In a week, you can panic!!

  22. Hi Rebeccah, I've been meaning to introduce myself to all the participants writing on the concept of CRAFT, so I was delighted when you stopped by my blog - thank you. I'll be exploring the concepts of CHANGE and SENSORY AWARENESS and how to implement these concepts in storytelling. This is in preparation of my creative writing guide, which will offer a more comprehensive discussion on character transformation in relation to plot development based on a life coaching model - quite an experiment, but I offered it as the graduating craft presentation for my MFA program to great praise from my professors and peers. I can't wait to see what you theme is, and I'll definitely swing by on a regular basis...look forward to our ongoing connection. -Belinda.

    1. Hi Belinda. Your theme sounds great. I'm keeping mine under wraps for a little bit longer, but it is writing based, so hopefully it should appeal to all the creative writers out there *fingers crossed*

  23. Hi Rebeccah, Thanks for stopping by my blog to introduce yourself and wish me luck with the A-Z Blog Challenge - all the same to you. I’ll be exploring CHANGE and SENSORY AWARENESS and how to implement these concepts in storytelling. This is in preparation of my creative writing guide (title and publication date TBA soon), which will offer a more comprehensive discussion on character transformation in relation to plot development. I can't wait to discover your theme, and I look forward to our ongoing connection. -Belinda.

  24. Thanks for the encouragement and for the visit! Still in my pre-writes but good to have some scheduled. Good luck to you too Rebeccah!! Looking forward to your posts on writing this April! Subscribing!! :-)


    A Brief Sinfonia: Loving Your Wife From A-Z
    Fellas don't miss this! Ladies stop by & give your input for your fellas!

    1. Thanks Erick, and good luck to you too. Only a week to go and we can start posting!

  25. Hi Rebeccah,

    Thanks for passing by my blog. It's good to see that you also have a plan (so far I have already written the first 10 of my 26 posts!).

    Good luck for the month of April!


    1. Hi Dennis. I need to finish off C, O, and Z, and then I think I'm done *wipes sweat from brow*

  26. Aha, a fellow procrastinator has also signed up for the A to Z challenge. :-0

    Good luck! It's coming soon...

    Charlie @ The Semi-Retired Gamer

    1. I've noticed that a lot of procrastinators have signed up, and they're hoping that this challenge will drag them out of it!

  27. So you're going to be mysterious. Good for you. :)

    1. I was until today! I got too impatient, and then had to tell everyone!

  28. Thanks for stopping on my blog, Rebeccah. No I don't have my whole list yet. I'm looking for donations.:) Sigh .... guess I have to think of my own. But I'm hitting up people I see to give me a word. I'm just trying to make it entertaining for me and also combining it with camp NaNoWriMo for a mini-mystery.

    I envy you only three letters left!!

    1. That sounds really good. If you need any help with words, I'm sure I've got a few up my sleeve!

  29. Good luck with the A to Z. Did it last year and it was awesome. This year, I still don't have a theme, so I might just wing it and see what happens.

    1. I normally don't plan things, but for this I've planned it all. I must be turning over a new leaf!

  30. Hi Rebeccah thanks for visiting my blog - just wanted to wish you good luck with the challenge as well :)

  31. Thanks for stopping by my blog, very kind. Good luck to you to =)

  32. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Good luck to you aswell =)

  33. Hey, sorry for the late reply.

    Thank you and good luck to you too.

    So far the only letter I'm having trouble with is "K". :D I just can't think of anything. I still haven't written all my posts but I know what they'll be about.

    How's your planing going? Did you write your posts yet?

    1. Hey, I've written all my posts completely, apart from C, O, and Z. But I know what's going on in them. I just need to get my finger out and write them!

  34. Hi! Just popping by to return the visit. Wow you are so organized :D I'll definitely be back to cheer you on and not because I have a ton of writing to do myself or anything lol

    1. Hahaha! I'm not normally this organised. I'm just really excited about this challenge, and want to get it done!

  35. Thank you for visiting and wishing me luck :) I wish you luck with this year's A-Z also and I can't wait to read your theme posts:)

  36. Hi Rebeccah, thank you for dropping by my blog. I am really intrigued by your theme. I've never heard of Oulipian Writing Constraints before so just looked it up on google and now I am super excited to read your posts and give a few of them a try. Good luck and happy blogging :)

    1. Thank you :) I hope you enjoy my posts. I can't wait to get started!!

  37. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I haven't heard of what you're using for a theme so your posts will be interesting!

    1. Thank you. They were interesting to write, so I hope they're interesting to read :)

  38. Your theme sounds fun, I'll have to check your posts out. Good luck and thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. Thank you. I hope you enjoy my posts. Not long until we all get started!

  39. Ehehe thanks for commenting on my blog :) I wish you luck too and can't wait to read them :DDD

    1. Thank you. I can't wait to get started. I'm getting impatient now!

  40. Very interesting theme. I hadn't even considered a theme, but that's not a half bad idea... Though I have already set up posts asking for people to give me prompts, so that will have to do for this year.

    As a creative writer myself, I will be sure to check in on your blog once the challenge starts!

    1. Thank you. I read up on this challenge before I signed up and saw that people recommended having a theme, so I thought it best to do something with some sort of organisation. But I like what you're doing; it must be pretty interesting to see what prompts other people have come up with!

  41. Good morning Rebeccah!

    Just wanting to say thanks, return the visit, and wish you luck on the challenge :)

    It seems you have things on lock down. You mentioned having all but 3 letters already written (and by now likely complete). I've only finished A and B, so have my work cut out for me. It's as if I hadn't known about this challenge for weeks!

    Planning to stop by during the challenge, and looking forward to reading some of your work.

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I'm not normally this organised! I don't know what came over me, with the planning of these posts. I still haven't finished O and Z, but they're pretty much done. The rest of my life is as disorganised as ever though!!

  42. Hi Rebeccah,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Being a fellow writer, I am looking forward to reading all of your posts.

    Good luck with the challenge!

    1. Thank you. Not long to go now. It feels like waiting for Christmas!

  43. Hello Rebeccah,
    Thanks for popping over to my blog. I'll be following yours. Sue

  44. Hey, that's the theme I'm using too! We are like Oulipian Theme Sisters. Should we have a secret handshake? I don't even know. Anyway, thanks for commenting on my blog and good luck with the challenge!

    1. Ha! Really?! That's great. I'll have to pop back and have a snout around your blog throughout April! Especially as your drawings are really cute :D

  45. Hi Rebeccah --
    I am looking forward to reading your challenge posts.

  46. Hello, Just returning the visit. Will be back next week to see your posts.

  47. Sounds great! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Thanks for stopping by :)

  48. Thanks for checking out my new blog. Hopefully as it gets more filled out even people that don't like math will enjoy stopping by : )

    Kids Math Teacher

  49. Good luck and have fun!

  50. Good Luck! Only a few hours left until the fun begins!! Becca T.

    1. Thank you. I'm so happy now it's all started, and I've read some pretty interesting 'A' posts. Can't wait for tomorrow!

  51. Only a few hours left before the fun begins! Good Luck!

  52. Sounds neat. Good luck!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog: http://www.thebusymomsdaily.com/

  53. I stopped by earlier, but you hand't posted. This is my last chance for the day in England, so I'm leaving a comment here instead of for your A post.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I'm going to try to publish my posts between 9am and 11am GMT, so just keep checking back to make sure I've done it!

  54. It's great, isn't it? It's only day 1 and I love this challenge!!

  55. Thanks for stopping by, I am doing my first year of A-Z so it was nice to get a comment. Will be reading your post. Looks like this year will be lots of fun!

  56. Oulipian Writing Constraints... April 1 and I've already learned something! Thanks for stopping by and have a great month.

    1. Thank you. Hope you enjoy the A-Z challenge :)

  57. Replies
    1. Non, c'est pas Isocélisme, mais les images sont impressionnantes :)

  58. What a cool theme!

  59. Holy cow, I love this page idea. So simple...so obvious. So gonna do it too!

    1. Thank you. I like blogs which are easy to navigate, so I try to lead by example!

  60. I love this post, too - it makes your challenge contributions so easy to navigate! And great theme.
