Lowestoft Library Teen Writing Group meets every first Wednesday of the month, in the library cafe. We meet for an hour, between 5pm and 6pm, and it's completely free. All you need is a note pad, a pen, and some creativity and imagination. We write and talk and share ideas and offer help and encouragement.
If you're aged 11-18 years old and are interested in joining the group, send me an e-mail at rebeccah.giltrow@suffolklibraries.co.uk or just turn up on the night.
- September 2012 - Session task: to write about an event that had happened that day. Homework task: to write 300-500 words about a place they like.
- October 2012 - Session task: to write a story using random words/objects submitted by other members. Homework task: to write 300-500 character profile about someone they know.
- November 2012 - Session task: to write a collective story via the game of consequences. Homework task: to write a 500 word story using a collection of random words.
- December 2012 - Session task: to write 12 haikus inspired by each month of the year. Homework task: to write about New Year's Resolutions.
- January 2013 - Session was cancelled due to crazy snow!
- February 2013 - Session task: to write a love letter to something we love (place, food, celebrity, television programme, etc.). Homework task: You wake up in a white room, with white walls, on a white bed, wearing white clothes. What happens next?
- March 2013 - Session task: to write about having a super-hero or supernatural power/ability. Homework task: to put your music player on shuffle and note down the titles of the first ten songs played, and incorporate those titles into a story.
- April 2013 - Session task: to write about a favourite book for the World Book Night tree, and to write a short piece inspired by a picture. Homework task: to write about birth and death (can be the birth/death of a person, animal, plant, idea, anything that can be born and can die).
- May 2013 - Session task: 5 minutes of writing about anything, followed by writing down random words beginning with each letter of the alphabet and then using those words in a story. Homework task: to put yourself in the mid of your pet.
- June 2013 - Session task: to write poetry using various poetic forms. Homework task: to write a review of something (a song, book, film, place).
- December 2013 - Session task:to write a Christmas song.
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