Wednesday 27 February 2013

LLBG February

This last month we were asked to read The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.  I wasn't really looking forward to reading this as I'd seen the film a few years ago and didn't enjoy that.  However, as with most book/film adaptations, the book was much better than the film.  I'm not going to say that the book was brilliant, but it was more enjoyable than the film.  As hinted in the title, time travel plays a big part in the story, which can be a bit confusing as it jumps about all over the place, but you do get used to it.  The story is a bit limp (in my opinion - that's why I didn't really enjoy the film), but the book is beautifully written.  Audrey Niffenegger has a wonderful way with words, so the text is easy to read, and although the story does get boring, I still wanted to read it because of how it's written.

Apparently, the book group had already read this book a few years ago (before I joined), so a few of the members didn't read it this time around.  Those of us who did, didn't really like it.  The time travel element confused most people, as the story jumps all over the place.  There were also a couple of people who pointed out plot flaws with the time travel.  As I'm not a scientist, or a Dr. Who fan, I can't say I know too much about time travel.  However, apparently if the present you and the future you are in the same place at the same time, the universe implodes.  There are a few occasions in the book where present and future characters spend time together, and, as far as I'm aware, the universe didn't implode.

So, all in all, this book is very *meh*.  Read it if you want, but if you don't, you're not missing out on much!

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 26th March, and we will be discussing Ancestral Vices by Tom Sharpe.

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