Tuesday 13 November 2012

CIE Writers' Group

Welcome to my interview with Mattie Lenon from CIE Writers' Group.


Hello Mattie.  Can you tell us a bit about your group?
We don't meet as such.  We are a group of people who worked for a transport company (CIE).  About eight years ago we got together and published a collection of our writings, There's Love and There's Sex and There's the 46A.  In 2010 we brought out a further collection, It Happens Between Stops.
How many members, on average, does your group have?
About 20.
Who are you and what is your role within the group?
I'm the secretary and the founder of the group.
How are your sessions structured?
We have had a couple of workshops over the years, that's all.
What types of things do you cover in your group?
Articles, essays, short stories, ballads.
What have been some of your most popular/successful activities?
The production of the two collections.  Our latest collection, It Happens Between Stops, is available from Original Writing.
What kind of support does your writing group provide for its writers?
The opportunity to publish as soon as there are enough pieces.
Where do you get your ideas/writing prompts from?
We were all dealing with the public, so plenty of material there.
What is the best piece of writing advice you've been given?
Write it.  Rewrite it.  And then write again.
What is the best piece of writing advice you give?
Start now.
Does your writing group have a website/blog/Twitter/Facebook?
No, but I have a website; www.mattielennon.com
How would someone go about joining your writing group?
We're based in Ireland and so far we have been made up of transport workers but we might be willing to "stretch a point".
Thank you Mattie.

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