Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Free book in exchange for review

A couple of weeks ago, I e-published my first book; a collection of Christmas short stories entitled 12 Days of Krista May Rose, inspired by the traditional song, 12 Days of Christmas.  It is available to buy for $1.99 (or £1.29) from Smashwords and Amazon.

And here is where I ask for a favour.  I would like to give away 12 (see what I did there?!) free PDF copies (or whatever format you would like) of my book to book-bloggers, in exchange for a review.  All I ask is that the review is honest (but as book-bloggers, I have faith that you are always honest with your reviews), and that it is done before Christmas if possible.

You can read excerpts of each chapter here.

If you are willing to do this, please e-mail me at so that I can respond with the PDF file and the front cover PNG file. Please publish the review to your blog/website, as well as putting something on the book's Amazon page and Goodreads page (if you have accounts with them).  Please let me know when you've done it by e-mailing me the link to the review on your blog/website. If you have any questions, just let me know at the above e-mail address.

Thanking you all very much in advance.


  1. Sarah at Books & Bridles - 4* review can be found here.
  2. Gemma at Gem's Book Reviews


  1. I can do it, although I don't have a blog dedicated to reviews. I can def amazon it.

    1. Awesome! Thank you :) I'll e-mail you a copy of it. It'll be (not any of the other countries)
