Friday 4 April 2014

D is for ... Dogs Die In Hot Cars

Today is 4th April, so here is my fourth post for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.  This year I am sharing my musical tastes with you.  I hope I can introduce you to some new bands/artistes, and if you'd like to comment perhaps you could introduce me to some of your favourite bands/artistes beginning with the appropriate letter of the day.  For more music, please have a look at my profile.

Dogs Die In Hot Cars

I wish I could remember where I first heard these bands.  I think university and ex-boyfriends are mainly to blame for my musical tastes!  I think I must have found out about Dogs Die In Hot Cars at university because I remember walking to campus listening to their album, Please Describe Yourself, on my CD Walkman (yes, I am that old!).  Their music certainly made my commute by foot a lot more interesting with their indie pop warblings.


Honourable Mentions go to -

dc Talk - This is a Christian band, but please don't judge until you've listened.  They produce beautiful harmonies and are well worth a listen if you need a pick-me-up.  Wrap your ears around In The Light.

Delays - This band was introduced to me by an ex-boyfriend.  They're very much indie-rock.  Wrap your ears around Long Time Coming.

David Bowie - I'm sure my dad used to listen to Bowie when I was little, but I first noticed him in the film Labyrinth.  If you haven't seen that film, you really should.  Wrap your ears around Magic Dance.


What D bands/artistes do you like listening to?

2013 A-Z Challenge post - D is for Definitional Literature


  1. I'm from the old school and still like rock and roll but my passion is Black Gospel. I am in the challenge as well and posting about dogs this year. Please visit me is you can at

  2. A CD Yes, I had one of those too. My first major purchase after getting my first job :) I grew up in a religious household, so my musical adventures were stifled. There was "no secular music allowed". Back then there was a parent-approved band we listened to called DC Talk. I've gone on a serious binge since and have discovered great music over the years since leaving home, but I am always looking for more. As much as I can get! I need to make up for lost time :)

  3. Interesting band. Don't know if that title would fly to a dedication to a loved one ..hehehe!! -- love Bowie! --Haha, I'm old too and had a CD Walkman. I actually want one now listen to audio book CDs. :)

  4. Thanks for introducing me to Dogs Die In Hot Cars. I would definitely listened to them in school too on my cassette tape Walkman (because I am that old). I like David Bowie too. I saw Labyrinth in the theater and got the DVD for my kids. They both love it. When our youngest was 4, Bowie was one of her favorite music to listen to in the car.
    Elizabeth @

  5. Dance music. And Eighties music. These are the kinds of music that are my favorites. ;)

  6. I love DC Talk, grew up with them and still listen to them. They were on my D list for A to Z today as well. I liked them as a rap group but when they turned rap/alternative, they were awesome. Free at Last was good but I loved the album Jesus Freak.

    David Bowie is another artist I forgot to add to my list. Thanks again!
