Friday 26 April 2013

Kensington and Norwood Writers Group

Welcome to my interview with Nike Azoros, from The Kensington and Norwood Writers Group.


Hello Nike, can you please tell us a bit about your writing group? 
I belong to The Kensington and Norwood Writers Group. Our meetings are twice monthly at the Norwood Town Hall at 7pm. We have been established since 1978.
How many members, on average, does your group have?
We have around 25 members.
Who are you and what is your role within the group?
I am the Co-president and play a role in general organisation, chairing meetings, producing and marketing our annual journal and generally representing the group in the community.
How are your sessions structured?
We have a semi formal structure in that we have a secretary who takes minutes, we discuss member successes in the community. We have readings and offer feedback and we have workshops.
What types of things do you cover in your group?
A wide variety of subjects on writing ranging from Character development, Poetry, Grammar, Openings of stories, free writing etc.
What have been some of your most popular/successful activities?
Our events are always well frequented because they are known for their entertaining content and our annual journal sells well.
What genres do the members of your group write?  Is there a lot of diversity with regards to your members’ writing?
Yes we are a diverse group, we have poets, non fiction writers, fiction writers, article writers –all sorts.
Have you ever written collectively as a group, such as producing an anthology?
Yes we do this at least annually sometimes twice annually.
What kind of support does your writing group provide for its writers?
Our webmaster passes on all news form national and international writers resources, we provide workshops and support to each other.
Where do you get your ideas/writing prompts for the group from?
From regular meetings where we brainstorm ideas, from each other and from external influences.
What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve been given?
Just write.
What is the best piece of writing advice you give?
Just write.
Where can we find your group on the internet?
Do you have guest speakers at your group?   
Yes we often have guest poets, novelists or presenters and we will look to have more. 
Do members of the group get a chance to run/lead a session or part of a session?
Yes we often have a rotating chair and we always invite members to offer to run a workshop.
How would someone go about joining your writing group?
Either to contact us through our website, or call us, the number is on the website and just come along and watch for a session or two.
Thank you Nike. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice to learn about new writing groups. Thanks!
