Friday 31 May 2013

LLBG - May

Sorry for the delay in posting this, but I've had a busy week at work, and have only just found some time to get my blogging done.  Anyway, on Tuesday evening, Lowestoft Library Book Group met for it's May session, where we discussed Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

There there's this unwritten list of 'classics' floating around, and we all know we should have read those books but never have.  Pride and Prejudice is one of those books.  I've never read it before.  I haven't even seen the film(s).  I know I should have at least watched the one with Colin Firth/Mr. Darcy in the pond/lake/whatever-it-is, but it never really appealed to me.

So I started to read the book, and I tried, I really tried to get through the chapters, but I just couldn't.  I know it's a classic, but it really is dull.  And yes, I know it is 'of the time' and it reflects a certain society and all that goes along with that.  But it's still dull.

What shall we do today?  I know, let's do some sewing, then some swooning, then get ready for a ball so we can meet handsome men.  And what do you fancy doing tomorrow?  Tomorrow is quite a busy day for me.  First I'm sewing, then I'm swooning, then I have to get ready for a ball so I can meet some handsome men.

Please forgive me if more happens in this story, but I only got to page 144 before I had to give up.  The words were going into my eyes but they weren't making their way to my brain.

I'm not too sure if other people enjoyed the book or not because I'd been at work from 10:30 until 7pm, and then Book Group was from 7pm until 9pm, so I was a bit tired.  It's a good job that I work in the library and didn't have to panic about being late!

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 25th June, 7-9 pm, and we will be discussing The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Marry Ann Shaffer.  I read this book a few years ago and enjoyed it, so I'm looking forward to reading it again.


  1. Ha-ha. I didn't have that reaction to P&P at all. I love it and reread it often. But I see where you're coming from. There are books the whole rest of the world is nuts about, but I won't touch. Go figure.

    1. I didn't want to dislike it, but I couldn't help it. But then I've read books that I thought were brilliant and other people thought were terrible!

  2. I conquered this classic last January and I did NOT like it. If you're interested, I reviewed it:

    So glad to hear the job is still going so well, though. That's great.

    1. I agree with your review (well I would if I'd read the whole book). I guess your major points are some of the reasons I didn't read more than 144 pages!

  3. I love every thing Jane Austen, but Pride and Prejudice is actually one of my least favourite of her novels. It does have the best characters, though; I think that is why most people love it! If you're up to giving Jane another chance I'd suggest Sense & Sensibility. It's hilarious! It still contains the sewing and the swooning, but it's really funny. I'm doing my Master's on Austen so I like to think I know a bit about her ;)

    1. Well if you're doing your MA on Austen, I really should trust you. I may leave it some time and read Sense and Sensibility at a later date :)
