Tuesday, 22 April 2014

S is for ... Saul Williams

Today is 22nd April, so here is my nineteenth post for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.  This year I am sharing my musical tastes with you.  I hope I can introduce you to some new bands/artistes, and if you'd like to comment perhaps you could introduce me to some of your favourite bands/artistes beginning with the appropriate letter of the day.  For more music, please have a look at my last.fm profile.

Saul Williams
If I didn't have ex-boyfriends, I wouldn't have such a wide taste in music!  Saul Williams is primarily a poet with a hip hop backdrop.  Thankfully his lyrics are deep, rather than those of more famous hip-hop artistes.  Live, he is crazy mental, but he pulls it off so well.  

Honourable Mentions go to - 

Sonic Boom Six - I first heard this band about 8ish years ago because an ex-boyfriend wanted to see them live.  They were so different to most things around, with their ska/punk/rap sound.  Wrap your ears around Northern Skies.

The Skints - Being friends with Sonic Boom Six, I was bound to really like this band.  And guess what?  I do.  A drumming lead singer.  A rapping guitarist.  And a woman with a great taste in clothes who plays every other instrument and more.  Yep, good combination.  Wrap your ears around Sociopath

Scroobius Pip (with Dan le Sac) - Spoken word poetry is awesome.  Clever lyrics, English accent.  Man with a beard.  Wrap your ears around Beat That My Heart Skipped.


What S bands/artistes do you like listening to?

2013 A-Z Challenge post - S is for Snowball

1 comment:

  1. great way to go thru the challenge - and i like alternative, so it's nice to see some new rockin music!
